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Photo of Dominique Vaughan-Russell



Vaughan-Russell International

Dominique Vaughan-Russell, AICI CIC, is a global citizen who is committed to helping individuals and organizations build better cross-cultural communication skills. Dominique is the President and Founder of Vaughan-Russell International, an elite Toronto-based training and consulting firm, providing leading edge cultural intelligence assessments and training programs for forward thinking multi-national companies and individuals invested in doing business on a global scale.

Dominique’s comprehensive background in international travel and intercultural relations make her an expert at understanding and communicating with a wide variety of cultures. Her training ability on intercultural communications and cultural intelligence bridges the cultural gaps, resulting in increased global success.


Dominique is an advanced certified CQ™ Assessment and Workshop Facilitator for the Cultural Intelligence Center, and a certified ‘Global Bridger’ for Professional Passport. She holds a degree in Fashion Merchandising, is a Certified Image Professional with the International Image Institute and with the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI). Dominique has held the position of VP Programs for AICI Canada since 2012, and received the AICI Chapter Member-of-the-Year award in 2013. Dominique is co-author of "Inspired Style" and has contributed articles to numerous publications.

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